I-Cloth - API for high-quality cloth simulation with CUDA

by Min Tang



I-Cloth is provided as a C++ API for fast and reliable cloth simulation. GPU (with CUDA) is used for acceleration. I-Cloth is mainly developed by Min Tang during his research on GPU-based cloth simulation. The API files including header files and lib/dll files for windows 64-bits platform. We also provide an example application to demonstrate how to use the API.

Real Time Videos

lady-dress-7 lady-dress-8 lady-dress-9
Kimu with Skirts Hip-Hop Dancer Kneeled
Kungfu Boy Dancing Boy Dryer
Twisting Sphere Funnel Moving Sphere
Down Coat Suit with Buttons Walking Lady
Jumping with Skirts Walking with Skirts Different Materials
Stack with 10 layers Needle bed


API Package (v0.2, updated 2018/10/11)  (PDF 92.8 MB)

For password, write to tang_m@zju.edu.cn, with title "I-Cloth 0.2 password", please provide your name, affiliation, and purpose. Tested on GeForce GTX 1080, 1080Ti, 1060 (with 6G memory), Tesla K40c. Require at least 6G GPU memory.

Related Links

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UNC dynamic model benchmark repository

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